Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Suit yourself.

No breakfast today...
To much work to do.
Lets celebrate with something good tomorrow instead!


Friday, March 09, 2007

Breakfast with friends.

Today I woke up quite early in a room with 3 good friends. One of them had to go for other buissnies so the rest of us decided to have a breakfast together. Went to the store, bought: small white round bread -6 of them, american pancakes -one package, butter -one package, bacon -one package, readysliced cheese -one package, and finally a 2 litres pack with juice.
We went home to one of the friends places wich is a five minutes walk from the store.
Ona tha iland, ina tha sun ...ina tha sun.
This were one of those breakfasts you are so comfortable with so you could sit for hours. After some bread with butter and cheese and some coffe we had pancakes, canadian pancakes. Never tried it before so I was exited. When you eat pancakes in the canadian way you eat them with bacon and maplesyryp. Sounds strange, I know, but it was really good. Afterwards one more cup of coffe and a cigarette... Lovley! Thanks for an amazing breakfast.

Seeya`ll, Peace!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Al Halal breakfast.

Yesterday I bought some halal-mortadella to have on my sandwiches this morning. I didnt want to, but thats the only mortadella they had. As a matter of fact halal is the only existing meat in our neighbourhood. ...sweet huh?

1 slice of whitebread with butter and halal-mortadella

1 slice of whitebread with butter, cremecheese and halal-mortadella

1 slice of whitebread with butter, cremecheese and orange-marmelade(the bitter english one)

1 cup of tea.

After the simple breakfast I put back the marmelade, the halal-mortadella and the butter in the refridgerator. (Not the cremecheese because it was finished)
When I was about to close the refridgerator-door I saw a brown paperbag in the door. What in the lord could that be?!
I opened the bag and found inside, a halfeaten piece of cheesecake from the bagelshop on bricklane.

I ate it.

1 halfeaten piece of cheesecake from the bagelshop on bricklane.

Think what the life can be exiting sometimes...

Not enough love to everyone, but I`ll send it anyway. Take as much as you need and send some further.
