Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A honest stolen breakfast!

I had some serial left, some marmelade and butter but that is not a very good combination. So... what to do? I tried to steal some milk from the refridgeratordoor wich of the ovner was unknown. But that milk was sour. No one else had enough milk left to steal without them notising.
And then it happened!
Sean, one of my flatmates came down in the kitchen. and he is a very nice guy.
There I was then. I had to work quickly and polite because he had not milk enough to both of us.
-Eh... Yeah... Sean...? Do you have any milk I can borrow and buy back? (I have no money yet but he doesnt know that)
-Yeah, offcourse. Take this!
And he lend me the rest of the milk, just enough to one bowl... Home free!

Then he came to me afterwards and gave me some freshmade garlicbread. Such a nice guy.

1 bowl of milk and frosted flakes.

1 piece of freshmade garlicbread.

I wander what Im gonna eat for dinner?
But you know... As Tom Waits singing:
When youre blue, and you've lost all your dreams. There is nothing but a campfire and a can of beans...



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